Take a Look at
What Some of Our Clients

Are Saying:

“Alissa helped me identify what was holding me back and how to move through that."

"I've been a RD for a while and in private practice for a few years, but was lacking direction and focus in terms of who I really wanted to be working with and how. Alissa helped me identify what was holding me back and how to move through that.

She gave me personally tailored recommendations and resources and a sense of direction I haven't received from working with anyone else. Most importantly, she is so easy to talk to and she listens! She really takes the time to understand where you're hung up and doesn't make you feel bad about it at all. I would highly recommend Alissa's business coaching to people who need help in any aspect of their business."

— Alexis Penney, MS, RD, LDN

Founder, Lexy Penney Nutrition and Wellness
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"...so different than the usual business coaching courses!"

"Working with Alissa in The Liberated Clinician was well worth the investment. It is so different from the usual coaching courses out there. I love that it is so welcoming and that everyone is so respectful of each other. The live weekly group calls have helped me with accountability and creating a sense of consistency and community, while the supervision sessions and guest teacher calls have provided a lot of new insights that I can use in my private practice."

— Maria Adams, MS, RD

Owner of Halsa Nutrition and The Liberated Clinician Member, Spring 2022
"I saved so much time, got clarity in business goals, and increased my belief in myself to actually launch my business."

"Launching a business for the first time can feel overwhelming, and I trusted that Alissa's support would make a big difference for simplifying the process. The coaching calls helped me by identifying the roadmap that I needed to take to build a successful business launch. Alissa helped me with logistics, like setting up an LLC, identifying my ideal client, marketing my services, and optimizing my website.

During my work with Alissa, I saved so much time, got clarity in business goals, and increased my belief in myself to actually launch.

One thing I liked most about the coaching was that Alissa freely gives her knowledge and time to support other dietitians. It's not like she's keeping the best secrets to herself. She is so upfront in sharing information that will help lift up other dietitians! I found the experience rewarding, uplifting, and encouraging.

I would recommend this business coaching to people who need support and accountability in launching or growing a business."


— Rachel Helfferich, RDN

Founder, Everglow Nutrition
"...she helped me feel confident and grounded in the business that I am building."

"I joined The Liberated Clinician because I was struggling to find my voice online, wasn’t feeling confident in my offerings and services, and was having trouble getting the kind of clients I wanted to work with. The program helped me feel confident and grounded in the business that I am building.

The topics and materials were very well-rounded: we looked at all aspects of building a business, and they were clear, detailed, and easy to follow and use in real-time. I now feel so much more confident speaking about what I specialize in. It also felt really good to join a community of people with the same values I have when it comes to business through an inclusive lens."

— Leah Barron, RD, LD, CPT

Owner of Baseline Lifestyle and The Liberated Clinician Member, Fall 2022
"Alissa and her programs are the equivalent of "gentle parenting" for business coaching..."

When I joined Alissa's business coaching program, I was feeling discouraged by not making enough money. I struggled with how to organize my business. I was 2.5 years into entrepreneurship and felt almost as lost as when I started.

I didn't want to feel bad about where I was in my business, while also having some guidance on what to do next. I got a solid framework for all of my next steps and learned the importance of being kind to yourself while also setting goals and keeping yourself accountable. 

I recommend The Liberated Clinician to anyone who has their own business in the healthcare/mental health field and whose priority is being ethical and socially sensitive to their clients."

—Haley Cox, RDN

Beloved Eating Disorder Coaching & Nutrition
"The Foundation Course took me step by step through everything I needed in order to start my business!"

"I enrolled in the Entrepreneur Foundation Course because I was beginning my private practice and didn't know where to start or what to do. The Foundation Course took me step by step through everything I needed in order to start my business! The course provided all forms I needed so that I had a clear direction to go when new clients signed up. As I implemented what I learned in the Foundation Course, I got 4 new clients within my first 3 months! I would recommend this to any new dietitians looking to build their dream career in private practice, especially those who just came out of the internship with no clear guidance."

— Tiffany Ong, RDN, CDN

Founder, Tiffany Ong Nutrition
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"I found this course extremely beneficial and I am excited for the future of my practice."

"I have been in private practice for 10 years. I stumbled into it immediately after my internship while also working other RD jobs (one in clinical nutrition and another in wellness).  Due to my lack of focus I made all the mistakes.  In 2020 I found myself completely overwhelmed.  I have 4 small children under the age of 7.  I had heard Alissa speak at FNCE - she was encouraging private practice owners to niche. I hated the idea and ignored it for several years.

I took this course to step back from my business, finally establish my niche, rebrand, and make my practice something that is sustainable for me and my family.  So I can help my ideal client while not pulling precious time from my family.  I am taking this next 6 months to slowly implement what Alissa taught.  I may not be the typical attendee that Alissa thought when creating this course but I found this course extremely beneficial and I am excited for the future of my practice."

— Andrea Kendrick, RD, LDN, CLT

Owner of Andrea Kendrick, RD, LLC and Associates
"This got me excited and motivated in a way I hadn't been before."

I came into The Liberated Clinician program overwhelmed, looking for some business coaching, accountability, a safe space, and community. I got all that, and more! After the program, I ran my first-ever clinician-focused cohort, among so many other wins. The guest speakers, accountability buddy set-up, and mastermind calls were extremely helpful.

Alissa is incredibly skilled, wise, and humble. I've been wanting to join a group like this for awhile, and she and Jasmine are the perfect facilitators, holding space for safety, joy, authenticity, and business smarts. They got me excited and motivated in a way I hadn't been before."

— Rachel Naar, MS, RD

Hoboken, NJ
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"Don't hesitate - sign up for this course the moment you are even considering starting a business."

I waited months and wasted many, many hours trying to find information and figure things out on my own. But you don't need to do that because Alissa has done all of that for you in the Entrepreneur Foundation Course. She is extremely clear in her explanations and I felt like I could follow along, even when the concepts were totally new to me.

This took my business in a radically new direction, and I feel optimistic instead of stressed and scared. I feel so much more confident about how to move forward by leaning into my strengths and interests. I cannot recommend the Foundation Course enough!"


"I joined The Liberated Clinician because I was ready to grow my business.

I had researched other RDN entrepreneur courses and programs and felt this included the whole package (from starting to maintaining to growing a business and brand).

The program helped me increase my marketing to gain more clients, organize and streamline the administrative processes within my business, find my authentic voice within my business, and find a community of like-minded entrepreneurs with whom I could discuss ideas with and learn from.

I’ve been extremely grateful for the sessions with Alissa, all the group calls, and learning from our facilitators and the TLC community. Being part of a community helps make things so much easier and helps you feel like you’re not alone! Thank you, Alissa and Jasmine!"

— Yasi Ansari MS, RDN, CSSD

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