Business Coaching and Supervision for Dietitians and Clinicians

with Alissa Rumsey, MS, RD, CDN, CSCS

Get Hands-on Support With Your Business

If you are looking to start, build, or grow your practice - I would love to help!

Business Coaching

The business coaching sessions are all individual and based on you and your goals. 

Depending on what you need support around, I can help with everything from big-picture visioning down to the nitty-gritty day-to-day work.

Entrepreneurship is hard, and can be lonely, so whether you need help with the specifics, encouragement to keep on going, or a listening ear to work through your own "stuff" - I am here.

Alissa Rumsey dietitian business coaching

Areas of practice that I specialize in helping people with:

  • Setting up a virtual private practice
  • Building an online course or group program
  • Honing in on your niche/ideal client
  • Pricing your services or increasing your prices
  • Social media and online marketing (that doesn't feel icky)
  • How to connect and work with brands
  • Blogging and writing
  • Mindset work (that isn't gas-lighty)
  • Weight-inclusive nutrition counseling and intuitive eating
  • and more!
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What other entrepreneurs are saying:

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"I've been a RD for a while, and in private practice for a few years, but was lacking direction and focus in terms of who I really wanted to be working with and how. Alissa helped me identify what was holding me back and how to move through that.

She gave me personally tailored recommendations and resources and a sense of direction I haven't received from working with anyone else. Most importantly, she is so easy to talk to and she listens! She really takes the time to understand where you're hung up and doesn't make you feel bad about it at all. I would highly recommend Alissa's business coaching to people who need help in any aspect of their business."

- Alexis Penney, MS, RD, LDN

Founder, Lexy Penney Nutrition and Wellness
AR - Testimonials_Anna Jones

"I felt like I needed input on fine-tuning the processes around my business to allow me to better utilize my time. After reading Alissa's book, Unapologetic Eating, I got a sense that as an experienced practitioner and someone who shared my philosophy, she could help me.

She listened and talked through the challenges and issues I was having and gave me specific solutions to help me through them in a non-judgmental way. Working with Alissa has given me more confidence in doing the work I want to do with clients. My business is booming and I feel more confident than ever that the message I have to share with people is worthwhile and life- changing."

- Anna Jones, MS, RD, LD

Owner of Anna Jones, RD
AR - Testimonials_Lexi Moriarty

"I really enjoyed working with Alissa for business coaching. I was feeling lost with where I was at in growing my practice and needed direction. Alissa was able to answer my questions and provide guidance on all of the areas I had questions about.

With Alissa's help, I was able to find the direction I was looking for to spring my practice forward and she even helped me save money by helping me streamline my business tools. I liked that our calls were tailored to my specific questions and where I was at in my business. I would recommend working with Alissa because she is knowledgeable and experienced." 

- Lexi Moriarty, MS, RD, CSSD

Founder, Expert Nutrition & Wellness
AR - Testimonials_Rachel Helfferich

"Launching a business for the first time can feel overwhelming, and I trusted that Alissa's support would make a big difference for simplifying the process. The coaching calls helped me by identifying the roadmap that I needed to take to build a successful business launch. Alissa helped me with logistics, like setting up an LLC, identifying my ideal client, marketing my services, and optimizing my website.

During my work with Alissa, I saved so much time, got clarity in business goals, and increased my belief in myself to actually launch. One thing I liked most about the coaching was that Alissa freely gives her knowledge and time to support other dietitians. It's not like she's keeping the best secrets to herself. She is so upfront in sharing information that will help lift up other dietitians! I found the experience rewarding, uplifting, and encouraging. I would recommend this business coaching to people who need support and accountability in launching or growing a business."

- Rachel Helfferich, RDN

Founder, Everglow Nutrition
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"Before working with Alissa, I didn't know where to start or how to speak to my ideal client. I thought there were too many RD's already doing what I wanted to do and my confidence was low. Alissa helped me adopt an abundance mindset and I realized that there is more than enough space for all of us to succeed.

She helped me get past some of my mental blocks about charging what I'm worth, which allowed me to focus on the transformation I was offering to others. Through our sessions, I gained a clear understanding of how to market my services in a way that felt authentic to me. I felt supported and it was encouraging to speak with someone who had been through this process before and was successful."

- Erica, MS, RDN

Owner, Listen Nutrition, LLC

Supervision and Case Consultation

Alissa Rumsey - intuitive eating dietitian nutritionist

A brave space where I support you as you reflect and grow in your role as a clinician and care provider. 

In this space, we can talk about your wins and challenges, and strengths and weaknesses. We can discuss your cases, and anything that gets you feeling "stuck."

Depends on what you need, my role is to assist you as you further your skills and become more a confident and grounded dietitian and clinician.

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Get Started Now

Sessions are available individually or save by purchasing packs of 3 or 6.
Sessions can be used for business coaching, supervision, or both. 

Initial session: $225

Follow-up Session: $195

3-pack of Sessions: $599 or $299.50/month x 2 months ($199/session)

6-pack of Sessions: $999 or $350/month x 3 months ($167/session)

All sessions are 45 minutes long.
Payment plans are available for all packages.
If you need an alternative payment plan arrangement, please email
All package options come with lifetime access to the
Nutrition Entrepreneur Starter Kit, with downloadable, editable essentials for starting, developing, and growing a nutrition business.

If you'd like to chat with us more before purchasing, please schedule a free discovery call

If you're an existing business coaching client, please click here to book more sessions.

Meet Alissa Rumsey, MS, RD, CDN, CSCS

Alissa Rumsey dietitian business coach (1)

Hi! I'm Alissa Rumsey (she/her), a registered dietitian, nutrition therapist, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, and the author of Unapologetic Eating. I'm also a business coach and clinical supervisor for other dietitians and clinicians.

I’m passionate about helping dietitians and clinicians confidently start, grow, and scale their businesses through individual coaching, group programs, and courses.

I can support you in building a sustainable business that aligns with your values, your strengths, what you want out of life, and the change you want to see in the world.

I've been a dietitian for over 14 years, and a business owner for the past eight. I am passionate about supporting dietitians and clinicians so that you can confidently start and grow your business, and deepen your counseling skills, while also taking care of yourself.

I started working as a business coach for dietitians and clinicians in 2017 when I founded the Dietitian Entrepreneur Mastermind Retreat, a three-day in-person workshop designed to help nutrition professionals start and grow their businesses. From 2017 to 2020, I hosted over a dozen of these Retreats in New York City, attended by clinicians worldwide.

When the pandemic struck, I took the Retreat online and created the Dietitian Entrepreneur Foundation Course, an online training program that teaches clinicians how to set up and launch their nutrition business.

I also am the founder and lead facilitator of The Liberated Clinician, a group coaching experience for clinicians who want to build a weight-inclusive business from a justice-informed lens, and deepen their counseling skills, while prioritizing taking care of themselves, so that they can confidently show up for their clients.

I love to work with other health professionals so that we can challenge the 'status quo' in nutrition care and in business. Let's reframe what is possible as clinicians – and do it together.