Confidently Start, Grow, and Scale Your Nutrition Business

Transform your passion into a purpose-driven private practice.

Values-aligned business coaching, training, and community for dietitians and clinicians.

What stage of business

are you in?

I want to Start a Business

I want to grow my Business



Beginner Business Resources

Free Nutrition Business Startup Checklist

Step-by-step business checklist to ensure you have everything in place to start a successful nutrition private practice.

Nutrition Entrepreneur Foundation Course

This self-paced course outlines the steps you must take to confidently start and open your nutrition private practice. Earn 35.75 CEUs.

Dietitian Insurance Credentialing Course

How to get credentialed with insurance companies and navigate the billing process, so you can accept insurance in your nutrition practice. Earn 17 CEUs.

"Alissa is the equivalent of 'gentle parenting' for business coaching for dietitians. I didn't want to feel bad about where I was in my business, while also having some guidance on what to do next. I got a solid framework for all of my next steps and learned the importance of being kind to yourself while also setting goals and keeping yourself accountable.

Haley Cox, RDN

Beloved Eating Disorder Coaching & Nutrition

Want to grow and scale your nutrition business?

Learn How Here:

Free Workshop: Improve Your Client Retention

Learn how to keep your clients coming back to see you so you can support real, long-term behavior change and grow a sustainable nutrition practice.

Insurance Credentialing and Billing Course

Want to add insurance to your nutrition practice? This self-paced course walks you through the insurance credentialing and billing process. Earn 17 CEUs.

The Liberated Clinician Group Program

Business coaching, mentoring, supervision, case consultations, and community support to help you grow your nutrition business.

"Alissa helped me increase my marketing to gain more clients, organize and streamline the administrative processes within my business, find my authentic voice within my business, and find a community of like-minded dietitians and clinician entrepreneurs."

Yasi Ansari MS, RDN

Founder of Yasi Ansari Nutrition in California
the liberated clinician testimonial - yasi ansari RD

Hi There!

I'm Alissa Rumsey, MS, RD, CDN, CSCS

I'm a registered dietitian, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, and the author of Unapologetic Eating. 

I've been a supervisor, mentor, and business coach for dietitians and clinicians since 2017.

I've been a dietitian for over 16 years, and a business owner for the past decade.

I know first-hand how challenging entrepreneurship can be, which is why I'm extremely passionate about helping dietitians and clinicians confidently start, grow, and scale their businesses.

Through The Liberated Clinician Business Trainings, I offer business coaching, courses, programs, and online resources to help dietitians and clinicians start, build, and grow their nutrition private practices.

My goal is to support you in building a sustainable business that aligns with your values, strengths, what you want out of life, and the change you want to see in the world.


Alissa Rumsey - intuitive eating dietitian nutritionist

I love to work with other dietitians and clinicians so that we can challenge the 'status quo' in nutrition care and in business.

Let's reframe what is possible as clinicians – and do it together.

More Business Resources for Dietitians

and Clinicians

dietitian business coaching testimonial

"Alissa helped me identify what was holding me back in my business and how to move through that."

I've been a dietitian for a while and in private practice for a few years, but lacked direction and focus in terms of who I wanted to be working with and how. Alissa helped me identify what was holding me back and how to move through that.

She gave me personally tailored recommendations and resources and a sense of direction I haven't received from working with anyone else. Most importantly, she is so easy to talk to and she listens! She really takes the time to understand where you're hung up and doesn't make you feel bad about it at all. I would highly recommend Alissa's business coaching to dietitians and clinicians who need help in any aspect of their business."

Alexis Penney, MS, RD

Founder, Lexy Penney Nutrition and Wellness
nutrition business coach testimonial

"I saved so much time, got clarity in business goals, and increased my belief in myself to launch my business."

"Launching a business for the first time can feel overwhelming, and I trusted that Alissa's support would make a big difference for simplifying the process. Alissa helped me identify the roadmap I needed to take to build a successful business launch.

Alissa freely gives her knowledge and time to support other dietitians and clinicians. It's not like she's keeping the best secrets to herself. She is so upfront in sharing information that will help lift up other dietitians! I found the business coaching experience rewarding, uplifting, and encouraging."

Rachel Helfferich, RDN

Founder, Everglow Nutrition
the liberated clinician testimonial leah barron

"Alissa helped me feel confident and grounded in the business that I am building."

"I joined The Liberated Clinician Program because I was struggling to find my voice online, wasn’t feeling confident in my offerings and services, and was having trouble getting the kind of clients I wanted to work with. The program helped me feel confident and grounded in the business that I am building.

The topics and materials were very well-rounded: we looked at all aspects of building a business, and they were clear, detailed, and easy to follow and use in real-time. I now feel so much more confident speaking about what I specialize in. It also felt great to join a community of people with the same values I have when it comes to business through an inclusive lens."

Leah Barron, RD, LD, CPT

Owner of Baseline Lifestyle
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The Liberated Clinician Newsletter

A twice-a-month(ish) round-up of inspirational stories, lessons, practical tips, and encouragement to support you as a business owner and help you confidently show up for your clients.

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